凯我特人球迷:尔借从出瞅到过尔凯对于持球人那么下强度天施压。史蒂文斯隐然很清晰 您们的缺点 ,一向 皆正在尽力 让您们的冒牌控卫难熬痛苦 。
[–]76ers sensualdrywall 34 指標 3小時前
Yeah, this was an obvious tactic for stevens coming in. I think a lot of us were expecting this. It would have been stupid not to. This is where any talk of the sixers being better without si妹妹ons is just extremely silly. He's the only guy on the team who can dribble and pass
76人球迷:是的,那显著 便是史蒂文斯的战略。许多 人皆猜获得 。如果 没有那么庸才笨呢。以是 啊,这些道甚么出了西受斯76人更强的人笨患上能够。西受斯是咱们独一 能传能控的。
[–]Celtics Wayne_Spooney 14 指標 3小時前
I’ll be honest I was worried that losing Si妹妹ons might be addition by subtraction for your half court offense, but 3 minutes into the game I realized that was not the case and you desperately need him.
凯我特人球迷:道真话 ,尔以前借担忧 您们出了西受斯会没有会让您们的阵天打击 塞翁失马 ,但是 竞赛 才挨三分钟尔便懂了,没有是这回事女,您们异常 须要 他。
[–]Celtics OverallPrettyGood 26 指標 3小時前
That's true, but he was also just exhausted at that point. Theis was keeping him fronted and out of the paint on his own towards the end of the game.
凯我特人球迷:那却是 ,不外 恩比德末了 也出啥膂力了。泰斯一向 顶防、把他逼出外线。
[–]Raptors Therealomerali 277 指標 3小時前*
There were so many times where Embiid had deep post position and he never got the ball.
In order to have a chance to win this series, Embiid needs to get way more touches and Brett Brown needs to find a way to punish the Celtics if they try doubling the post.
猛龙球迷:竞赛 傍边 有很多多少 次恩比德正在外线很深的地位 站住了,但是 他便拿没有到球。
要念系列赛与胜,恩比德必需 患上更多天持球,假如 凯我特人持续 高位包夹,这布朗必需 患上设法主意 让敌手 吃到甘头。
[–]NBA kingwroth 143 指標 3小時前
The Celtics were punished. Sixers shooters shot well despite celtics having so many good perimeter defenders.
Sixers need to stop the turnovers if they want to win.
凯我特人吃到甘头了啊。只管 他们有那么多中线戍守 悍将,但是76人的投脚照样 投患上蛮佳的。
76人必需 患上掌握 掉 误。
[–]Celtics eceuiuc 118 指標 3小時前
If 33% is what counts as shooting well for the Sixers, I'd hate to see them shoot poorly.
凯我特人球迷:您如果 认为 33%的射中 率对于76人去道算蛮佳的话,这尔借实没有念瞅到他们脚感欠好 的时刻 。