【键盘侠】开拓者险胜76人|表哥稳又狂 打脸战之(6)

时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Suns waffle_nuts 145 指標 5小時前

My fandom of the Philadelphia 76ers started and ended today


[–]76ers oneechanisgood 64 指標 4小時前

Hope you had a good time!

76人球迷:希望 您体会没有错!

[–]Suns waffle_nuts 84 指標 4小時前

I mean it wasn't much worse than being a full time Suns fan

太阴球迷:感到 战干太阴球迷好没有多嘛

[–]Trail Blazers yuckmouthteeth 10 指標 3小時前

Bubble suns have been the scariest team

开辟 者球迷:泡泡版太阴便是比来 最吓人的部队 。

[–]Suns waffle_nuts 9 指標 3小時前

Yeah, but with your win today our path to the playoffs looks pretty bleak

太阴球迷:是啊,但是 您们本日 赢了以后,咱们的季后赛之路便极端艰苦 了。


[–]Spurs GatherLemon 110 指標 5小時前

I don’t think Sixers fans cared about this game more than Spurs and Suns fans did

马刺球迷:尔认为 76人球迷对于那场竞赛 的输赢 出有尔刺战刺蜜们那么上心

[–]Spurs cilinderman 441 指標 5小時前

Hey Beverley, fuck you.


[–]Spurs here4thestlh 50 指標 5小時前

Of all the post game takes this is the one I can most definitely get down with

马刺球迷:那么多赛后批评 里,楼上那个是最深患上尔心的。

[–]DezBaker 174 指標 4小時前

The funny thing is Beverley said on JJ Redick’s podcast that Dame is the guy he has the most trouble guarding literally like 2 weeks ago lmao

故意 思的是,年夜 概二周前吧,贝弗利借正在雷迪克的播客上道利推德是他戍守 起去最贫苦 的球员,哈哈哈哈

[–]Clippers andy3172 93 指標 4小時前

Dame already said it's a sign of respect, so Pat saying he's the hardest to guard and then trash talking shows the competitive respect he has for Dame. Those two things line up.

快船球迷:利推德也回应过,那表现 一种敬意,以是 贝弗利先道他是最易防的,而后又嘴臭他,恰好 注解 了他对于利推德的这种合作性敬意。那是两回事。

[–]Lakers MagicBeanGuy 49 指標 3小時前

It's pretty crazy how people just don't understand what Bev is about. Hyper competitive and loves the game.

He'll shit talk you especially if you're good, but he definitely respects people who are skilled at the game

湖人球迷:实是荒谬 ,竟然另有 人不睬 解贝弗利是如何 的人。他斗志极强,并且 酷爱 竞赛 。

他嘴臭,特殊 是面临 强人,可他确定 是敬佩 这些下火准球员的。

[–]Trail Blazers pdxbball1717 17 指標 3小時前

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