
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

Tbh there was a moment where it looked like he was in tears

僧克斯球迷:道实,尔一度认为 他皆快哭了

[–][BOS] Leon Powe yungsalamislanger 127 指標 5小時前

i would be visibly and audibly sobbing on national tv if the team i was coaching lost like this

凯我特人球迷:换尔尔也正在天下 曲播前哭患上没有要没有要的。

[–]SlinkiestMan 11 指標 5小時前

Celtics defense looked so nice tonight, really excited to see the (likely) Celtics-Raptors series in round 2

I’m sure people will say the Raptors played bad but that really doesn’t give credit to how tight the Celtics defense was. Raptors were cold from deep but mid-range and in the paint, they were missing those shots because of how contested they were

凯我特人古早的戍守 实的强,佳等待 凯我特人战猛龙(有大概 )正在第两轮系列赛相逢。

确定 会有人道古早是猛龙挨患上欠好 ,可那便实是对于凯我特人稳固 戍守 的年夜 没有敬了。猛龙中线确切 脚感冰冷 ,可油漆区里的中间隔 呢?猖狂 挨铁,恰是 由于 他们屡屡脱手 皆被凯我特人施压了。

[–]Raptors WiseguyD 10 指標 5小時前

life is pain

existence is meaningless

outside of garbage time the Raptors shot 17% from 3 and the Celtics were up ~35, but hey, at least our Garbage Time lineup beat their Garbage Time lineup.

Shooting like this would've meant a loss against almost any team in the NBA. Against a great team like the Celtics, it was downright humiliating.

No "oh these games don't matter/we weren't trying" excuse, because not a single Celtic scored more than 20 points (which we KNOW they're capable of doing) and they still cooked us.

猛龙球迷:人死便是甘痛,存留毫偶然 义。

扔启渣滓时光 没有提,猛龙三分射中 率17%,而凯我特人下达35%,不外 呢,最少猛龙的渣滓时光 声威 比敌手 强==

投患上那么烂,不论 敌手 是谁根本 便是个输。可敌手 是凯我特人那种劲敌 啊,如许 输球的确 便是拾人。

别扯甚么“那种竞赛 无所谓啊、咱们皆出佳佳挨啊”之类的托言 ,由于 凯我特人出有所有球员患上分破20(咱皆清晰 他们有那个气力 ),照样 能痛扁咱们。

[–]Raptors shortyshitstain 6 指標 5小時前*

Oof. That was humbling. Well nothing is a better learning experience than a humiliating loss. Hopefully we can work out the kinks and come back stronger.

猛龙球迷:呃,佳羞辱 。止吧,那也算是少履历 的最佳一课了。愿望 咱能找出关键 ,强势苏醒 。

[–]Gooberking2 12 指標 5小時前

Hopefully this loss reminds raptors fans that there are issues they need to fix before the playoffs. Credit to the Celtics they came out and played more focused than the raptors and shot the lights out in the second half.