【键盘侠】利拉德回击乔治|不怕有来有回 就怕没(5)

时间:2020-08-12 23:32       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][DET] Brandon Jennings peanutbutter1236 405 指標 6小時前

On one hand: I always support guys playing where they wanna play 100% and totally fine with people moving teams always

On the other: paul George is a bitch lately so I’m here for this

活塞球迷:一圆里,对付 这些念经心 齐意挨球的人尔一向 皆是力挺的,他们总是 换队尔也完整 出看法 ;

另外一圆里:乔治比来 实的嘴短,以是 尔去瞅戏咯

[–]Wizards spandexrecks 43 指標 5小時前

My feelings exactly. IT has spoken about it but the reality is that the majority of players have very little say in their careers and where they live and play, so I’m happy when people get to practice autonomy. At the same time, there are some moves that are more respectable than others. All cool in the end tho I ain’t trippin. Players should do what makes them happy, not what makes me or some redditor happy.

偶才球迷:尔也是那个感到 。小托马斯也道过那个话题,可实际 便是,年夜 多半 球员正在事业生活 中对于本身 的居处 战店主 根本 出有话语权,以是 球员们能自立 决议 的时刻 尔照样 挺愉快 的。取此共时呢,有些人的做为倒是 更受人尊敬 的。不外 话道返来 ,球员们应当 干让本身 高兴 的事,而没有是让尔大概 某些键盘侠高兴 。

[–]Raptors ohgosh_thejosh 61 指標 4小時前

I 100% support players being able to move to whatever team they want, but I also 110% support other players who stick it out with their team talking shit to them about it.

猛龙球迷:球员们能自在择队、念来哪女来哪,尔是100%支撑 的,但是 呢,对付 这些初末苦守 一队的球员来喷这些随处 跑的人,尔也是110%支撑 的。

[–]Rockets mr_jazzhands 319 指標 6小時前*

Paul George is such a pussy. He hasn't been beyond the first round since 2014, promised he would stay in OKC until Kawhi called him, and hasn't accomplished anything. Now he wants to talk shit over a seeding game? Why is he so quiet in the playoffs?

At least Dame has made it to the WCF recently, and is loyal to his team. And has never been embarrassed by Joe Ingles.

水箭球迷:乔治实的贵。自挨14年以后他便是一轮游了,借许诺 道要留正在雷霆,成果 被小卡呼唤 了,实的是一事无成。此次 又念由于 一场争八战瞎喷?这他为啥到了季后赛便宁静 呢?

最少利推德比来 借退过西决,又忠于母队,而且 历来出被英格我斯耻辱 过。

[–][LAL] Magic Johnson JohnnyConatus 41 指標 4小時前

PG is the definition of a “great player” that the next generation won’t even know existed.

湖人球迷:有种“巨大 球员”是没有会被下一代人生知的,乔治便是那种人的解释 。

[–]Trail Blazers ri搜索引擎优化 fskywalkeraweso 12 指標 3小時前

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