
时间:2020-08-12 23:31       来源: NBA直播吧

Kawhi, Bev, and Trezz out

Portland at full strength

Doc pulls the starters with 5 minutes left to close with Mann/Shamet/McGruder/2Pat/Jamychal. While we're already losing.

And we win. With 12th man McGruder hitting a 3 to take the lead while Dame misses BOTH FTs to take the lead.



里弗斯正在竞赛 借剩五分钟时撤下尾收,留住曼恩、麦格鲁德、沙梅特、帕特森战格林闭幕 竞赛 ,并且 咱们借落伍 。

成果 却赢了。第12人麦格鲁德投退症结 三分获得抢先,而利推德却二次奖拾错掉 抢先机遇 。


[–]Clippers ElBluntDealer 16 指標 12小時前

Our third stringers put the clamps on the Blazers in the last 4 minutes. Portland scored only 3 points in those last 4 minutes iirc.

Not only that they had some good playcalling on offense from Doc and good ball movement when plays broke down.

快船球迷:咱们的第三声威 正在末了 四分钟防患上开辟 者很难熬痛苦 ,他们正在这段时光 便患了3分

不只 如斯 ,里弗斯有些打击 战略的安排 也很没有错,打击 碰壁时转化球也干患上蛮佳

[–]NBA urfaselol 163 指標 12小時前

Doc Rivers playing 4D chess trying to throw the game and Portland can't even cash in

明显 是里弗斯急功近利念收一场,成果 波特兰竟然咽饼

[–]Nuggets LogenMNE 72 指標 12小時前

Same as Denver 2 days ago. It was even worse, because I didn't even know the guys that finished the game for us

挖金球迷:那战二天前咱们挖金一致。其时 局势 借要荒谬 些,由于 尔竟然没有熟悉 这些为咱们挨终段竞赛 的这些球员==

[–][PHO] Mikal Bridges CountAardvark 55 指標 11小時前

Honestly it feels like everyone's trying to throw their games against the blazers with how bad these closing lineups have been. Just a matter of whether portland can capitalize on that, and whether phoenix keeps this undefeated streak alive

太阴球迷:有一道一,感到 每一个队碰着 开辟 者皆念收,由于 他们终段的声威 实是菜的能够。他们也不论 波特兰能不克不及 捉住 机遇 ,大概 道咱们太阴借坚持 没有败呢

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Malificari 29 指標 11小時前

everyone wants them to play lakers. only fringe team that can make it a series if dame goes off

湖人球迷:由于 他们皆愿望 开辟 者季后赛挨尔湖。假如 利推德暴走的话,开辟 者照样 有患上挨的。

[–][POR] Damian Lillard Goducks91 13 指標 11小時前

At this point it could be Dame, CJ, GTJ, or Nurk that could go off...

That being said I don’t think we match up well with the Lakers.

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