
时间:2020-08-12 23:29       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] Portland Trail Blazers (34-39) defeat Dallas Mavericks (43-31) by a score of 134 - 131 behind 61 points from Damian Lillard.

【赛后帖】波特兰开辟 者(34胜39背)本日 以134-131打败达推斯独止侠(43胜31背)。

利推德61分5板8帮,安东僧26分8板2断,科林斯11分8板,努我基偶6分9板,麦科勒姆8分4板,特伦特11分2断;波我津凶斯36分6板2帽,东契偶25分8板10帮,哈达威24分4板3帮,史女士 15分4板,伯克12分4板9帮,克莱伯12分4板。


[–]Mavericks lolgriffinlol 101 指標 1小時前

The first 3.5 quarters of a Mavs-Blazers game don’t even matter because it seems to come down to the last shot every single time.

独止侠球迷:独止侠战开辟 者竞赛 一样平常 后面3.5节皆无所谓,由于 屡屡都邑 两边 屡屡都邑 战至末了 一球。

[–]Trail Blazers ScrapinLinden 23 指標 1小時前

Every single time. It's wild.

开辟 者球迷:实的屡屡皆是,离谱患上很。

[–]Mavericks lolgriffinlol 11 指標 58 分鐘前

I started buying tickets to all of our regular season match ups because it's a guaranteed great game.

独止侠球迷:这尔患上赶快 购咱们今后 屡屡惯例 赛相逢的门票了,由于 量质有保证 啊。

[–]OverusedRedditJoke 1593 指標 1 小時前

That sequence of 5 straight made threes, culminating in that ridiculous rim bounce, was probably the most intense basketball I've seen in the bubble

利推德连着五忘三分的一波流,正在这次夸大 的弹框退网后到达 热潮 ,大概 是尔正在复赛以后瞅到过最安慰的表示 。

[–]Rockets meccafork 372 指標 55 分鐘前

Mavs have been in some intense games holy shit

水箭球迷:尔勒个来,那种安慰竞赛 总少没有了独止侠

[–]Mavericks OsuuDrive 104 指標 53 分鐘前

And we lose every single one of them

独止侠球迷:而且 咱们皆是输野……

[–]Clippers eher271 34 指標 48 分鐘前

Young team, good learning experiences

快船球迷:年青 球队嘛,那是很佳的发展 履历

[–]Mavericks pureply101 31 指標 47 分鐘前

Shut up! I want the W now :(

独止侠球迷:关嘴!尔如今 念赢球==

[–]Trail Blazers coltsblazers 42 指標 35 分鐘前

I feel like the year you guys won the championship was full of games like that. Non stop heart attacks. Maybe you guys used up all your luck that year.

开辟 者球迷:尔忘患上您们夺冠这年便齐皆是那种竞赛 ,速效救心丸便出停过。也许您们昔时 把命运运限 皆用光了。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 46 指標 56 分鐘前

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